The link for tonight's February 10, 2025 @LawrenceburgCSC school board meeting is https://youtube.com/live/WInwttKto_E. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm in the Greendale Middle School Commons.

LHS Alumni & Staff Reunion Afterparty
Friday, January 31st from 9pm-12am
Liberty Theatre in downtown Lburg
Celebrating 150 years!

Lawrenceburg HS Homecoming
Past and Present Staff Reunion
January 31st, 5:30-7:00 pm
Social gathering in LHS Cafeteria
Recognition at Varsity Game Halftime

The link for tonight's January 13, 2025 @LawrenceburgCSC school board meeting is https://youtube.com/live/WuuHlXWSJQY. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm in the Greendale Middle School Commons.

Due to the impending snow forecast, Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will have a "synchronized " eLearning Day tomorrow, Friday, January 10, 2025. GMS/LHS Google Meets begin at 8:30 am while LPS/CES begin at 9:00 am. Be safe.

Due to the additional light snow this morning making roads slick, Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will have an eLearning Day today, Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Assignments will be sent out electronically by 9:00 am. Thank you and be safe.

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will operating on a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will have an eLearning Day tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Assignments will be sent out electronically by 9:00 am. Thank you and be safe.

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will have an eLearning Day tomorrow, Monday, January 6, 2025. Assignments will be sent out electronically by 9:00 am. Please make sure to charge your iPad or Chromebook overnight. Thank you and be safe.

Wishing all Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation families and community a joyous and successful New Year!

Merry Christmas to Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation families, staff and community. May your day be filled with joy and peace.

The link for tonight's December 9, 2024 @LawrenceburgCSC school board meeting is https://youtube.com/live/-D6HeZSrpMk The meeting begins at 6:00 pm in the Greendale Middle School Commons.

Reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, December 4, 2024 is an eLearning Day for Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation.

Happy Thanksgiving to our Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation families and community. May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude, joy, and the warmth of loved ones.

As a precaution and timing of the first incoming winter weather advisory of the season, all Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation after school activities are cancelled for this evening; Thursday, November 21, 2024.

The link for tonight's November 12, 2024 @LawrenceburgCSC school board meeting is https://youtube.com/live/WLO5NXjPIeQ. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm in the Greendale Middle School Commons.

Happy Veterans Day. Honoring Veterans on this day. Thank you for your sacrifices to keep us safe and free. #LawrenceburgLegacy

Lawrenceburg Schools will be hosting a Veterans Day Parade tomorrow at 9:30am. All veterans are invited. Veterans will gather at the Ivy Tech Parking Garage entrance on New St at 9am. The Parade will continue through downtown Lawrenceburg, the school campus and back to Ivy Tech.

Congratulations to @lhssoccer_coach Offutt and the @lhslcsc @lburgtigers Lady Tigers soccer team for winning the State Championship this afternoon. Go Tigers! Great day to be a Tiger.

The @LHSLCSC @LHSsoccer_coach Lady Tigers Girls Soccer Team will be leaving LHS at 9:30 am tomorrow morning. If you would like to send them off with a cheer/sign, they will pull out Tiger Blvd, turn right on Rt 50 then turn right, go up Ridge Ave in Greendale to I-275. Go Tigers!